To become a Friend of Lions – Community Connector please fill out this application form below (same form as the above flyer) & transfer $200 or $350 to Ashgrove/The Gap Lions Club to the bank details below.
We will then be in touch to obtain your logo and other details as required. Thank you!
If you have any questions please email or phone Peter Cooper on 0488 069 089
To become a Friend of Lions – Community Connector please fill out this application form below (same form as the above flyer) & transfer $100 to Ashgrove/The Gap Lions Club to the bank details below.
We will then be in touch. Thank you!
If you have any questions please email or phone Peter Cooper on 0488 069 089
Bruce Barker
Kym Bierenbroodspot
Melanie Grevis-James
Kaz Willis
Carolyn Draper
Rebecca Hack
Gabriel Barta-Dougall